
Friday, July 6, 2012

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

Grace is rolling now!

She's almost rolled from back for over a month now but she kept getting her hand stuck under her.  After she'd get tired of having her hand wedged, she'd just flop back over.  This time she's truly rolling from tummy to back.  I hoped she'd learn this skill soon since she hates being on her tummy.  It seems to give her a lot of joy to be able to say "Nope.  I'm done with this tummy business."

Here's a video of her in action:
Now if she can just figure out where to put her hands during her back to tummy rolls and she'll be rolling both ways.  I don't think I want to hurry that along.  I like knowing my pudgy little lump will stay where she is  for now.  :)

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