
Monday, July 9, 2012

Snugli Review

We received a new Snugli carrier in the mail from my mom.  She bought it for us after I let her know that our normal carrier was giving me back problems.  I don't "wear" Grace for a long period of time but our usual half hour to an hour spurts each day was enough for it all to eventually catch up with me.  This new Seated Snugli has lumbar support to evenly distribute the weight and puts Grace in an ergonomic seated position.  Those two features combined make this carrier a lot more comfortable for both of us than my previous one.  I wore it a bit yesterday and today while running errands and didn't feel the stress on my back like I used to.

After doing some research on the Snugli, I'd have to say it's a pretty good frugal alternative to the standard Ergo carrier.  However, the Snugli does not come in any fancy organic fabrics if that's important to you. The one I received  even came in a warmonger military green color.  Works for me!

Not only do I wear Grace while running errands, I also try to wear her when I do some chores around the house.  After Grace grew out of the newborn stage I started to do more chores while she napped.  Soon, I noticed that I had made myself so busy while she rested that I was exhausted by the time she woke up again.    That didn't make for a good time for either of us.  Now, I'm back to resting while she rests (it's still a good tip even 5 months into this whole baby thing!).  I do accomplish a few chores while she naps but I also wait until she's awake now to do the majority.  It allows her to be more involved in my life and do something besides play.

Before I started using a Snugli carrier, I tried out slings when Grace was a newborn.  I really wanted to like slings before I had Grace.  I bought two to start off and even had people help me get the right positioning when Grace came along.  Yet, I was never satisfied with the way my baby was situated in the sling.  I had to constantly check her neck so that it wouldn't press against her chest.  When Grace got older and could hold her neck up properly, I tried the sling again.  Unfortunately, she got so heavy the slings severely cut into my shoulders.  One day, while doing chores around the house, I noticed Grace's legs were changing color because the sling cut into her circulation while she was in the hip hold.  That was the end of it for me.  After doing some research, I found out this was a usual occurrence for sling wearers.  The solution, according to babywearers, is to again constantly keep an eye on their legs to make sure things don't get too tight.  Having to "constantly" keep tabs on their neck and legs is too much fuss for a product that's designed to allow me to do some multi-tasking.  When Grace is secure in her Snugli (either one) or really any front pack carrier, I don't need to constantly recheck her to see if she's still breathing or if her leg has turned purple.  I can go about my business and just have fun with her.  That's the whole point of wearing your baby, right?

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