
About Me

I'm a Christian, a wife to a wonderful husband, and a mother to wonderful daughter.  I started this blog in order to have a creative outlet for myself and a way to remember the early days of motherhood.  Some posts explore my thoughts on Reformed theology and others express my thoughts on parenting.  I am no expert by any means and if I do spout any advice I hope to cite my sources so you, the reader, can determine for yourself if you would want to follow it.

Our family resides in the middle of a little almond orchard out on the west coast.  It's our goal to live as simply and practically as possible.  Some people may think we're overly frugal but I like to think of it as "uncomplicated."  We love Dave Ramsey's principles of money management.  As of April 2012 we have been debt free! Now, we're on our way to saving for our Emergency Fund and the down payment on a new home.

I subscribe to The Three Forms of Unity and truly believe I am a dual citizen: the Kingdom of God (my first allegiance) and the Kingdom of Man (of which I am a mere pilgrim).

My husband and I actually met online while I was finishing up graduate school halfway across the country.  He's an amazing man of God and I am so blessed to be his wife.

I've been blessed with one daughter-- Grace.  Staying home with her has been such a privilege!  I love watching her learn and grow.

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