
Monday, July 9, 2012


Studying theology isn't a masculine task but it sure feels that way sometimes.  Men gather in a circle and debate presuppositionalism and theonomy over dark ales and fragrant cigars.  Women gather in a circle and debate cloth diaper brands over coffee and pinterest creations.  Even our bible studies are different.  Men don't have bible studies that direct them on how to kill spiders for the glory of God or how to mow the lawn with pure contentment.  Why then, do most women's bible studies relate to child rearing and home making?  The words of J. Gresham Machen come to my mind when I see these studies: "There can be no applied Christianity unless there is a Christianity to apply."

Perhaps the disinterest in theology stems from the fact that women just don't see the relevancy of the faith in their everyday lives.  It's why we see a proliferation of  applied Christianity bible studies for women.  However, showing women where they can apply their faith in their life puts the cart before the horse.  Women need bible studies that teach them"what they believe and why they believe it" in order for them to find areas in which their faith can be applied.  One could get into a chicken or the egg argument when it comes to modern women's bible studies as authors are only supplying what their readership demands.  Yet what is demanded is different from what is needed.  Women need to know their doctrine. By relying solely on applied bible studies, the Gospel becomes assumed. An assumed Gospel will inevitably become a forgotten Gospel.  

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